A decade ago it was my turn to experience the darkness of the mind.
Celebrating finishing high school with a month of binge drinking, stress and sleep deprivation set the stage for an euphoric high that culminated in delusions of grandeur and the inevitable comedown. A summer spent thinking “what the hell happened” led to a depression that was going to consume the next year of my life.
After the summer people went back to start the next chapters of their lives, and I was left at the platform, feeling like I’d just missed the last train back to society.
Staying inside and alienating my friends, sleep became my sanctuary. I spent the next months in bed, looking forward to the sweet nothingness of sleep, only to wake up realising it wasn't just a bad dream.
One morning I suddenly awoke from a suppressed cry coming from outside. It was one of many dark mornings in a long and snowless winter. I sat up and peered out the window. The trees that I had spent my childhood climbing looked foreign and distant. A crow was sitting in one of the trees, letting out a screech like the whole world was ending. I remember thinking “this is it."
But it wasn’t. And although days felt like years, they slowly started to get better. My family and friends supported me, I went to a psychiatrist to get help, and I started running.
Each day became less dark than the one before, and the eternal winter was coming to an end. Spring was coming.
One morning just like many others I laced up my shoes to go for a run, but there was a notion that something was different. As my shoes hit the tarmac I felt lighter. I started to pick up speed and as my heart followed, the sun came over the horizon. The first rays of spring warmed me as to tell me everything was going to be OK. For the first time in months, I gleamed towards the sun and I smiled!
From that feeling OUTRUN THE DARK was born.
Watching a loved one deal with depression can leave you feeling helpless, even though you’d like nothing more than to help them.
In the social media age where every instagram feed is a highlight reel, we want to raise awareness of everyone fighting a battle underneath. Reaching out for help is hardest when you need it the most, and that's why being open and raising awareness is a core part of who we are. By wearing an OUTRUN THE DARK piece you support those who fight.
Our commitment to outrun the dark also includes donating 10% of profit on all sales towards funding clinical depression and anxiety research as an effort to help in a way we know we can. Our donation is made to the Usona Institute and is specifically earmarked for research.
Thanks for supporting our cause and joining us outrun the dark!
Founder of Outrun the dark